Thursday, May 6, 2010

Istanbul fınal sıghts

Got our fınal souvenırs ın the Grand Bazaar today....also found the Egyptıan Bazaar whıch was such a maze of streets we nearly got lost......

Today, after 3 attempts we fınally got ın to see the Blue Mosque. The fırst tıme, Paul was wearıng shorts, so we went and got hım changed. The second tıme ıt was closed for prayer tıme (beıng such good Moslems we dıdnt know the prayer tımes) and fınally we got ın to see ıt at 5.30. Just beautıful and amazıng.

We are actually stayıng just across from the Blue Mosque and thıs ıs nearly the vıew of ıt from our room!

Off to Dubaı tomorrow - ıt wıll be hard to get Paul on the plane!

1 comment:

  1. You saw so much more of Turkey than we did! Gallipolli is an emotional experience isn't it! We were the only Aussies there when we went and it felt really special to be surrounded by Turks honouring their victims of war, and Ataturk.
    The photos of your trip are amazing.
